Follow a topic

Zulip lets you follow topics you are interested in. You can follow or unfollow any topic. You can also configure Zulip to automatically follow topics you start or participate in. Participating in a topic means sending a message, reacting with an emoji, or participating in a poll.

It's easy to prioritize catching up on followed topics. You can:

  • Configure how you get notified about new messages for topics you follow.

  • Use the Shift + N keyboard shortcut to go to the next unread followed topic.

  • Filter the inbox view to only show followed topics.

  • See which topics you are following in the left sidebar and recent conversations.

You can use followed topics for a variety of workflows:

  • Catch up on followed topics at the start of the day, and whenever you want to spend a few minutes checking on on the conversations that need your attention.

  • No more stressing about missing a reply to your message in streams you don't regularly read. You can automatically follow topics you start or participate in.

  • You can also mute the streams you don't regularly read, and automatically follow or unmute topics you start or participate in. In muted streams, topics you follow are automatically treated as unmuted, so it will be easy to see when someone responds to your message.

  • If you like, follow just the topics where your prompt attention is needed, and enable desktop and mobile notifications for followed topics.

Follow or unfollow a topic

  1. Hover over a topic in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the ellipsis ().

  3. Configure topic notifications using the row of icons at the top of the menu.

You can also configure notifications by clicking the topic notifications status icon (, , or ) in the message recipient bar, in the Inbox view, or in Recent conversations.

Catch up on followed topics

  1. Click on Inbox (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the Shift + I keyboard shortcut.

  2. Filter the view to the topics you follow by selecting Followed topics from the dropdown in the upper left of the inbox view.

  3. Click on a conversation you're interested in to view it. You can also use the arrow keys to select a conversation, and press Enter.

  4. Return to Inbox when done to select the next conversation. You can use the back button in your browser or the desktop app, Shift + I, or Esc if Inbox is configured as you home view.

You can also use Shift + N from any location to go to the next unread followed topic.

Configure notifications for followed topics

  1. Go to Notifications.

  2. In the Notification triggers table, toggle the settings for Followed topics.

You will receive both followed topics notifications and stream notifications in topics you follow.

Automatically follow topics

  1. Go to Notifications.

  2. Under Topic notifications, select the desired option from the Automatically follow topics dropdown.

Manage configured topics

  1. Go to Topics.

  2. Configure notifications for each topic by selecting the desired option from the dropdown in the Status column.